Local Governing Committee
Every school in the trust has a Local Governing Committee, whose role is to oversee the running of delegated aspects of the school on behalf of the Rowan Learning Trust. Governors have a specific statutory function in school leadership and that is to ensure that:
- the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;
- the Headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and
- the sound, proper and effective use of the school's financial resources.
Our Local Governing Committee meets every term and works within the Scheme of Delegation below. Governors are expected to question, challenge and support the Headteacher and wider school leadership team and to carry out their duties with due diligence. The Local Governing Committee is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, which retains the right to intervene and direct governors if necessary. The Trust also reserves the right to remove a governor.
Governor expectations
The Scheme of Delegation states that to fulfil the requirements of the role effectively all governors are expected to:
- support and uphold the strategic aims and objectives, ethos and valus of the Rowan Learning Trust;
- follow the Trust's Code of Conduct for Governors;
- follow the Nolan Principles of Public Life, and lead by example;
- be prepared to commit the time needed to meet the demands of the role, the needs of the school and the Trust;
- be prepared to undertake the role of Chair or Vice Chair;
- carry out their role with due diligence, ambition and achieve the full potential of the school;
- act in the best interest of the children within the Trust;
- represent the whole school community not just one person or single interest;
- commit to their own continuous professional development as a governor, including attendance at Trust governor training sessions;
- when necessary attend additional meetings for example, Ofsted inspections, Trust's Governors conference.
Scheme of Delegation
The governing body operates in line with the scheme of delegation below.