
Safeguarding your child is very important to us. We have undertaken all the necessary safeguarding, safer recruitment and vetting and barring checks including enhanced DBS Disclosures for all our staff, govenors and volunteers.  All staff complete Level 2 safeguarding training which is updated annually and our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and their deputies all complete Level 3 training as well every two years.

Our learners receive guidance and support in school about how to keep themselves safe but it is equally important that we do not overly alarm them and increase their levels of anxiety unnecessarily.  We always aim to balance the need to be alert and informed with the need to feel safe and secure.

We recognise that sometimes, as parents and carers, you may also wish to seek advice or support regarding an issue which is affecting your child.  We are constantly reviewing this section of the school website to signpost you to resources and information that you may find helpful.

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Getting In Touch

Contacting Us

Our Whelley (Primary) office is open from 8:15 am to 3:15pm Monday to Thursday and from 8:15am to 2:30pm on Friday.

Our Hindley (Secondary) office is open from 8:15 am to 3:45pm Monday to Thursday and from 8:15am to 3:00pm on Friday.

All enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to the school office staff who will then direct them to the most appropriate person to deal with.

Hindley Campus

Leyland Park House, Park Road,
Hindley, Wigan WN2 3RX

Whelley Campus

28 Hieland Road,
Wigan WN1 3UR

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