Key Stage 2

Learners are taught in mixed ability and mixed aged teaching groups within each key stage.  Our Key Stage 2 classes have up to 10 learners split into one of the primary ‘tree’ classes.

  • Class 1 – Maple which is Upper KS2 (Yrs 5 and 6)
  • Class 2 – Cedar which is Lower KS2 (Yrs 3 and 4)

Learners may attend full time if they have been permanently excluded; although most learners are on intervention places and attend here part time for up to four days per week and spend the rest of the time in their mainstream school.  Our curriculum is full and varied but with a clear focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills plus social, emotional and behavioural management skills to help equip the learners to re-integrate back into their mainstream school. 

We deliver a well-planned thematic curriculum with a new topic each half term that identifies opportunities to "expand horizons" for our learners with links to careers, online safety and transferable skills, as well as enhancing their social, moral, spiritual and cultural experiences.  The curriculum is designed to also be flexible in order to meet any issues or concerns which may arise during the time a learner is with us.  

Most lessons are usually 40 minutes long.  Learners also read daily.

Outdoor Learning

Our Whelley campus is situated near many areas of natural beauty as well as benefitting from a wealth of outdoor space which we use as often as possible to support all curriculum areas.  Outdoor learning gives our learners the opportunity to explore, discover and conserve these areas, as they develop their resilience and skills as responsible citizens of the future.

Personal Development

The timetable may vary depending on the needs of the learners. Subjects such as PE, swimming, art and cooking are delivered with the learning focus being SEMH and the learner’s individual targets.  Interventions are also delivered for some learners on anger management, rights and responsibilities, transition and self-esteem.

Where other issues arise such as drugs, alcohol, personal health or safeguarding a range of agencies/professionals such as the NSPCC, Police or Fire Service may be brought in to deliver sessions to support the specific needs of our learners.

Relationships and Health Education (RSHE) is provided at levels appropriate to the age and maturity of the learner through the core curriculum.

Well-being Wednesday is an integral part of our personal development curriculum when the focus shifts to the complementary, therapeutic work we do that is designed to address the prime SEMH needs of those referred to us. Our learners select from a wide range of topics that enhance and enrich their development as well as "broadening their horizons" and boosting their wellbeing. Learners are encouraged and supported to try new activities such as crafting, rambling and singing - activities which add cultural capital through learners' social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.  These elctive activities give them a chance to develop new skills or interests which have the potential to develop into life-long hobbies and support their positive mental health.  More information about however this aspect of our curriculum helps wellbeing can be found by clicking the following link 5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing | Anna Freud



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Contacting Us

Our Whelley office is open 8:15am to 3:00pm daily, except for Wednesday when it closes at 2:00pm

Our Hindley office is open 8:15am to 3:30pm daily, except for Wednesday when it closes at 2:45pm

All enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to the school office staff who will then direct them to the most appropriate person to deal with.

Hindley Campus

Leyland Park House, Park Road,
Hindley, Wigan WN2 3RX

Whelley Campus

28 Hieland Road,
Wigan WN1 3UR

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