Key Stage 3
All KS3 classes are mixed ability groups of up to 8 learners and teaching staff are reflective and plan accordingly for learners’ individual needs. Lower KS3 groups are a mix of Y7 and Y8 learners, whilst Year 9 are taught in discrete year groups classes. The Key Stage 3 curriculum is broadly in line with national curriculum, although we focus on depth of subject knowledge rather than breadth to fill the knowledge gaps many of our learners have. However, it is the development of literacy, numeracy skills and social emotional and behaviour management that are our priority with KS3 groups to assist in their re-integration into a mainstream school. Most lessons are 55 minutes long.
Learners have access to appropriate E-safety sessions designed to meet their needs with topics being flexible to meet any issues or concerns which may arise during the time a learner is with us. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is provided at levels appropriate to the age and maturity of the learner through PSHE lessons.
Wednesday afternoons are an integral part of our personal development curriculum when the focus shifts to the complementary, therapeutic work we do that is designed to address the prime SEMH needs of those referred to us. Our learners select from a wide range of electives that enhance and enrich their development as well as "broadening their horizons" and boosting their wellbeing. Learners are encouraged and supported to try new activities such as crafting, rambling and singing - activities which add cultural capital through learners' social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. These elective activities give them a chance to develop new skills or interests which have the potential to develop into life-long hobbies and support their positive mental health. More information about however this aspect of our curriculum helps wellbeing can be found by clicking the following link 5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing | Anna Freud