Our approach to phonics has been developed to meet the individual needs of our learners and in response to the challenges of a rapidly changing cohort who may attend more than one setting. Learners in Key Stages 1 and 2 access phonics teaching from a range of schemes in either their previous or, or dual-registered learners, current schools; therefore, it is important for us to ensure we are not causing confusion for our learners or ‘undoing’ any phonics learning they may be accessing elsewhere, particularly for our dual-roll learners.
We also recognise the need for a school-wide approach in which staff and learners can teach and learn phonics of consistent quality, using consistent key language and approaches. We believe that our particular needs as a school are best met by using the validated scheme ‘Super Sonic Phonic Friends’ (SSPF) to ensure our teaching materials, language and approach is shared and understood by all.