
The ability to read is fundamental to many aspects of life. In order to access the wider curriculum, learners need to be confident readers who can understand, interpret and apply what they read to other areas of learning. The teaching of reading is given a high priority by all staff. Success in reading is crucial in developing our learners' self-confidence and motivation to learn. We believe that success in reading opens doors to a world of knowledge, multiple opportunities and a truly broadened horizen for our learners.

There is a whole school approach to the teaching of reading. A wide range of reading strategies will be taught throughout all classes that reflect the requirements of the National Curriculum.

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Getting In Touch

Contacting Us

Our Whelley (Primary) office is open from 8:15 am to 3:15pm Monday to Thursday and from 8:15am to 2:30pm on Friday.

Our Hindley (Secondary) office is open from 8:15 am to 3:45pm Monday to Thursday and from 8:15am to 3:00pm on Friday.

All enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to the school office staff who will then direct them to the most appropriate person to deal with.

Hindley Campus

Leyland Park House, Park Road,
Hindley, Wigan WN2 3RX

Whelley Campus

28 Hieland Road,
Wigan WN1 3UR

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